Do you find that you start the beginning of every year with lots of positive energy and ambition? You sit down and write out a list of New Year’s resolutions which include how much weight you intend to lose and what dress size you will be. Then within a matter of months, weeks or even days, you haven’t been able to tick anything off that list. Well you are not the only one. There are lots of people who set goals that they truly believe that they can achieve but end up doing nothing about them.
Motivation is a positive energy and we are all capable of having it. The word motivation simply means having the desire to do things and this usually means that we want to change things for the better. But sometimes we are our own worst enemies.
Motivation is a positive energy and we are all capable of having it. The word motivation simply means having the desire to do things and this usually means that we want to change things for the better. But sometimes we are our own worst enemies.
Here are just two examples of what we do to sabotage our own success and allow our motivation to dissipate:
1. Barrier to Motivation – You Are Scared Of Failing
One barrier to success is if you worry about failing. If you already think that things will not work out and that you will fail in your endeavours, you could decide that it is not even worth trying in the first place.
There is a great saying which is that you have to “feel the fear and do it anyway”. This means that even though you are scared of the outcome, you have to commit to that vital step and take action. Instead of analysing what could happen if you fail, you need to start concentrating on what could happen if you succeed. Turn the negatives into positives and use your energies to feed your motivation to get on with the task you have set yourself.
There is a great saying which is that you have to “feel the fear and do it anyway”. This means that even though you are scared of the outcome, you have to commit to that vital step and take action. Instead of analysing what could happen if you fail, you need to start concentrating on what could happen if you succeed. Turn the negatives into positives and use your energies to feed your motivation to get on with the task you have set yourself.
2. Barrier to Motivation – It Costs Too Much To Make the Desired Changes
Another barrier to motivation is the cost that could be involved. If you start thinking about all the things that will need to change in your life in order to achieve the weight loss goal that you want, you may add up the costs and decide that you can’t afford it so you give up without a fight. The perceived cost of things like paying for access to your local gym, buying new exercise clothes or buying healthy foods could hinder your ambition.
The solution is to think about how you can incorporate these changes without creating a financial burden. For example, it is not necessary to pay to join a gym. You can go jogging or running in the open air. With regards to food, choosing to eat a healthy diet will not suddenly increase the cost of your weekly shopping bill. You simply need to do a little research and you may even discover that some foods are cheaper than you expected.
Remember those New Year’s resolutions you set for yourself? Well don’t allow these barriers to motivation stop you from succeeding and getting achieving your goals. Work though any issues that come up and plan on being a winner.
I Own The Day...
Faizal Roslan
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