Once you have made the decision to embark on a weight loss journey, one of the hardest things to do to is to stay motivated. It takes time and effort to reach your ultimate goal so you need to find ways that will help to keep you going in the right direction.
Here are a few suggestions that you could use that could help you to see the success that you desire:
Here are a few suggestions that you could use that could help you to see the success that you desire:
1. Stick Up an Old Picture of Yourself
If you have a photo of yourself where you were completely happy, then you should take it and display it in a place where you will constantly see it. A good place would be to stick this image on your refrigerator. This will act as a constant reminder of why you shouldn’t eat more than is required on your healthy eating program.
2. Choose the Ultimate Outfit
You should definitely think about how you can reward yourself once you have reached your target weight. There are different things that you can choose which have nothing to do with buying chocolate treats or other things that would do your newly required waist line no good at all. One great example is to pick out a dress or a pair of skinny jeans that you can reward yourself with once you have reached your weight loss goal. You can visit the mall and see something in a department store or you can look online and pick something that will suit your newly acquired figure. This is another way to keep your motivation levels on the up and up.
3. Create a Checklist of Your Achievements
It is easier to achieve much more when you concentrate on positive aspects. This is why you should create a checklist of mini goals that you know you will be able to attain during your weight loss journey. It is important that the list has things that you know are attainable otherwise you will only end up feeling bad about yourself and this will hinder your progress. It is totally up to you what you write on your checklist of achievements. It could be things like:
-Went for a walk today
-Went to the gym today
-Ate a salad for lunch
-Didn’t drink any soda today etc….
You can even decide that you will treat yourself with mini gifts when you tick off enough things from your checklist.
-Went for a walk today
-Went to the gym today
-Ate a salad for lunch
-Didn’t drink any soda today etc….
You can even decide that you will treat yourself with mini gifts when you tick off enough things from your checklist.
4. Write Down 5 Positive Things about You
Losing weight can be a real challenge and it can be difficult to look at yourself in the mirror and find something positive to say while you are still heavier that you would prefer. We know that the better we feel about ourselves, the more that we can achieve so you need to think about all the good things that you like about yourself and keep reminding yourself that you are worthy. Take a little time to write down 5 simple things that you like about yourself. This could be your sense of humour, your hair, your eyes, your organisation skills, your ability to help others, etc. If you can’t think of anything positive then ask family members or close friends for their opinion. There is a reason that they like you so find out and add them to your list.
Then you should take this list out everyday and simply read them to yourself. It should become like your own mini mantra. If you do this first thing in the morning, you will be able to start the day with the right attitude. This is a great motivational tool that will help to put in the right mindset so that you will want to do what is necessary like going to the gym instead of watching television or choosing to forgo that sugary dessert and replacing it with the low calorie fruit salad instead.
This is just the beginning. Start with these and see if you can think of any other things that will motivate you to eat less, exercise more and get the figure that you want.
Then you should take this list out everyday and simply read them to yourself. It should become like your own mini mantra. If you do this first thing in the morning, you will be able to start the day with the right attitude. This is a great motivational tool that will help to put in the right mindset so that you will want to do what is necessary like going to the gym instead of watching television or choosing to forgo that sugary dessert and replacing it with the low calorie fruit salad instead.
This is just the beginning. Start with these and see if you can think of any other things that will motivate you to eat less, exercise more and get the figure that you want.
I Own The Day...
Faizal Roslan
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